About Me

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I've graduated from Liverpool John Moores studying Imaginative writing. Been trying to figure out what's next. I was told by higher powers to make my own hole and not try to fit into anyone else's. That's what I plan to do.

Monday, 2 August 2010

Light conversation and face paint.

Today began in a positive light. I've been looking after Livvy, (my partners niece). We've been painting faces and boxes and tables. Who knows what her parents will say. Now my partner (Mark) is in the garden with her playing sword fights. I decided to come in before there was a severed digit, or near eye loss.
Yesterday wrote some dialouge between my two protagonists. It's not going to go into the story itself, I'm just exercising their characters a bit, trying to get to know them better.

The story is called 'Fixed', it began with the male protagonist (Archibold - Arthur for short) being murdered by a mystery character. The story followed his day before he died. He fixes computers cheaply, is a bit of a womaniser, but a decent bloke and has a twin sister who is mainly stoned. He was loosly based on my brother, who may not be a womaniser but is a computer genius like Arthur.

His twin sister (Tabitha) is in and out of a relationship with Arthur's best friend, Harvey. She is still yet to be developed further. And there is a desperate love interest of Arthur's called Kelly. She becomes obsessed with him and finds she can't play her instruments anymore which makes her a little mad.

After my first workshop of this story - (with a small group of talented but very critical writing friends) - I had to delete most of my characters, ones which I haven't explained in this blog and found I actually had no point to my story, just some a very well developed protagonist.

The little dialouge I wrote is to start trying to map out my character better and find a story for them. I quote my old prose lecturer (for she was a true inspiration) that if you have a good character then you can find a story for them. Character first, they will make the story for you if you know them well enough.

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